Public Water Utilities in Zip Code 99697

We found 36 public water systems in Kodiak Island county (ordered by population size).

Name Areas served Population served Contaminant count Violation count
Kodiak Water System Kodiak 9,547 0 153
Uscg Station Kodiak Kodiak 3,092 0 127
Larsen Bay Water System Larsen Bay 271 0 683
Icicle Seafoods, Inc. Larsen Bay 251 0 0
Old Harbor Old Harbor 216 0 446
Bells Flats Kodiak 200 0 46
Ocean Beauty Seafood Alitak Kodiak 197 0 96
Wards Cove Packing Co Alitak County of Kodiak Island Borough 182 0 0
Ouzinkie Water System Ouzinkie 165 0 245
Port Lions Port Lions 155 0 364
Alaska Aerospace Corporation County of Kodiak Island Borough 125 0 0
Afognak Logging Camp Kodiak 120 0 0
Kodiak State Fair And Rodeo County of Kodiak Island Borough 110 0 0
Akhiok Akhiok 90 0 0
Harold J. Naughton County of Kodiak Island Borough 66 0 0
Evergreen Logging Camp Kodiak 65 0 0
Camp Woody County of Kodiak Island Borough 64 0 0
Kalsin Bay Inn Kodiak 62 0 0
Kodiak Narrow Cape Lodge, Llc Kodiak 61 0 0
Uscg Bear Valley Golf Course Kodiak 59 0 0
Rendezvous Kodiak 56 0 0
Div Parks Fort Abercrombie Rng County of Kodiak Island Borough 54 0 0
Karluk Water System Karluk 52 0 0
Arctic Choice Seafood County of Kodiak Island Borough 50 0 0
Village Council County of Kodiak Island Borough 50 0 0
Java Flats/russian River Roadhouse Kodiak 39 0 0
Northland Ranch Resort County of Kodiak Island Borough 33 0 0
Vfw Kodiak Post #7056 Kodiak 27 0 0
Roads End Chiniak 27 0 0
Bayside Family Market County of Kodiak Island Borough 25 0 0
Div Parks Pasagshak Kodiak 24 0 0
Div Parks Fort Abercrombie Day Kodiak 24 0 0
Alaska Aerospace Corporation Kodiak 21 0 0
Dig Afognak Kodiak 20 0 0
Kibsd Chiniak Chiniak 17 0 0
Karluk Lodge Karluk 10 0 0