ASU ERF EcoTox's database of EPA-certified public and private drinking water labs includes over 1000 facilities around the United States.

Laboratory Information
Lab Name: ASU ERF EcoTox
Contact Information
P.O. Box 599 ASU
State University, AR 72467

Nearby Water Testing

Here are some other drinking water testing laboratories in the area.

Lab Location Zip Code
Environmental Testing Group, Inc. Bentonville, AR 72712
U of A AWRC Water Quality Labs Fayetteville, AR 72701
U of A Poultry Waste Lab Fayetteville, AR 72701
GTS, Inc. Fayetteville, AR 72704
ASU ERF EcoTox State University, AR 72467
Environmental Testing Group Bentonville, AR 72712

Public Water Systems Near State University, AR

Top 10 public water systems in Craighead county (by population):
Name Areas served Population served Contaminant count Violation count
Jonesboro Water System Jonesboro 70,066 29 5
Cross County Rural Water Sys Hickory Ridge 9,233 25 2
Rural Water Services County of Craighead 8,826 0 0
Lawrence Co Reg Water Dist Counties of Craighead, Lawrence, Randolph 7,173 0 3
Valley View Water Association County of Craighead 5,335 0 0
Farrville-philadelphia W Assoc County of Craighead 4,000 0 0
Buffalo Island Reg Water Dist Counties of Craighead, Mississippi, Poinsett 3,429 0 8
Brookland Waterworks County of Craighead 2,797 0 4
Lake City Waterworks County of Craighead 2,329 0 13
Bono Waterworks County of Craighead 2,074 0 5

ASU ERF EcoTox services EPA Region 06.