Alabama Department of Environmantal Management's database of EPA-certified public and private drinking water labs includes over 1000 facilities around the United States.

Laboratory Information
Lab Name: Alabama Department of Environmantal Management
Contact Information
P O Box 3014631
Montgomery, AL 36130

Nearby Water Testing

Here are some other drinking water testing laboratories in the area.

Lab Location Zip Code
HGS Analytical Laboratory Oxford, AL 36203
Houston County Regional Water Lab Dothan, AL 36301
Montgomery Industrial Waste Laboartory Montgomery, AL 36109
Montgomery Water Works Laboratory Montgomery, AL 36110
Polyenvironmental Corporation Dothan, AL 36303
Prattville Branch Laboratory Prattville, AL 36066
Alabama Department of Environmantal Management Montgomery, AL 36130

Public Water Systems Near Montgomery, AL

Top 10 public water systems in Montgomery county (by population):
Name Areas served Population served Contaminant count Violation count
Montgomery Water Works Montgomery 240,840 80 23
East Montgomery Water, Sewer, & F.p.a. County of Montgomery 8,190 0 0
Pintlala Water System, Inc. Hope Hull 5,253 0 6
Pine Level Water Authority Pine Level 2,745 0 9
Snowdoun Water System Inc Montgomery, Snowdoun 2,506 0 1
Evergreen Estates Montgomery 1,884 0 15
Montgomery North Water & Fire Authority Wetumpka 1,860 0 0
Sellers Station Water System Lapine 1,734 0 10
Ramer Water Company, Inc. Ramer 1,515 0 69
Montgomery Campground Llc Hope Hull 1,200 0 0

Alabama Department of Environmantal Management services EPA Region 04.