Other Public Water Systems by Bristol Myers Squibb Well #

We found 12 public water systems that could serve the same population as Bristol Myers Squibb Well # (ordered by population size).

Name Areas served Population served Contaminant count Violation count
Wa Wa #906 Hopewell Twp 1,500 0 0
Cumberland Cnty Med. Ctr Hopewell Twp 1,000 0 0
Cumb.city Bd.freeholders Hopewell Twp 500 0 0
Hopewell Twp School Hopewell Twp 390 0 0
Sumerton Springs (driving Rang Hopewell Twp 100 0 0
All Bright Country Day School Hopewell Twp 85 0 0
Chester Urbanski, Dds Hopewell Twp 50 0 0
Merrill Lynch Hopewell Twp 50 0 0
Hopewell Valley Ind Park Hopewell Twp 30 0 0
Hopewell Valley Ind #2 Hopewell Twp 25 0 0
Pennington Road Partners Hopewell Twp 25 0 0
Pennington Road Partners Hopewell Twp 7 0 0