Other Public Water Systems by Millers Cafe

We found 9 public water systems that could serve the same population as Millers Cafe (ordered by population size).

Name Areas served Population served Contaminant count Violation count
Waterloo, Village Of Waterloo 1,300 0 3
Travis Merchants Of Venice Waterloo 200 0 18
J C Robinson Seed Company Waterloo 90 0 0
Riverwest Park Waterloo 35 0 0
Bucks Bar And Grill Waterloo 25 0 0
Two Rivers Sra - Ng & Pc (seasonal) Waterloo 25 0 0
Two Rivers Sra-ng&pc (non Seasonal) Waterloo 25 0 0
The Holding Company Waterloo 25 0 0
Douglas Co District 24 Waterloo 25 0 0